Weleh, gue nggak ngerti kenapa web2 hosting di dunia ini begitu mahal-nya yak? Apa gue yang terlalu miskin buat bayar 10$ per month? Currently, gue lagi nyoba webhost4life.com dengan harga 10$/month. Menurut gue server mereka cukup responsive, customer service-nya oke-lah, meskipun kadang2 agak menyebalkan kalo ngejawab pertanyaan2 gue.
Misalnya: Suatu saat gue bilang kalo salah satu database gue nggak ke-enable service broker-nya. Tau mereka ngebales apa?
"The Service Broker should be enabled by default. Would you please give it a try on it? Please let us know if you have any further enquiries or concerns. Thank you."
Dohhh .. stupid answer man! I wouldn't ask if it is enabled already!
Sometimes, mereka jawab-nya cepet, sometimes it takes HOURS (I mean probably more than 10 hours) even though I set my inquiry with the most important priority.
Overall, I would recommend them for anyone who currently looking for a reliable yet cheap enough web hoster. You also got 2 MS-SQL2005 databases. Cool eh?
Check them here: